Home Improvement Ideas

woman trying our a dress

Don’t Be a Fashion Victim! You Can Stay Stylish on a Budget

The fashion industry is perceived as a thriving and lucrative industry. You have seen those Instagram influencers with their svelte physique and enviable wardrobe collection, and everything about their lives seems to be perfect, right up to their perfectly manicured French tips. It has become even more convenient to purchase things for these social media

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house driveway

Five Ways to Incorporate Natural Elements Into Your Home

Being cooped up at home during the pandemic can really make one miss the outdoors. And if we can’t go out, then we should try bringing the outdoors indoors. How? By incorporating natural elements into our home’s interior design. Even if you aren’t much of an outdoorsy person, having natural elements incorporated into your decor

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house in the middle of the forest

Escaping the City: Why People are Moving to the Countryside Amid the Pandemic

Many things have changed since the pandemic started. And one of those changes is people’s home location preference. Many people in the city have traded their lifestyle to a simpler one by moving to the countryside. In a survey by the Pew Research Center, 12% of respondents moved to the countryside during the pandemic. Due to the work-from-home

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person taking a five dollar bill from his wallet

From Necessities to Fashion: How to Spend Now

Since last year, much of the economy has been suffering from the economic crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. With business establishments shutting down and a high unemployment rate, millions of individuals face financial hardships due to the lack of jobs and resources needed to find work. Several experts and analysts would say that

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living room interior

The Coronavirus Design: How Interior Design Will Change for the Pandemic

There was no knowing what the pandemic will bring. It has caused everything to come to a standstill, but slowly, everything is beginning to pick up once again. Jobs are returning — slowly — as companies have begun to shift to work-from-home arrangements. That also means people’s buying power is slowly coming back as well.

The Coronavirus Design: How Interior Design Will Change for the Pandemic Read More »

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