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Five Ways to Incorporate Natural Elements Into Your Home

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Being cooped up at home during the pandemic can really make one miss the outdoors. And if we can’t go out, then we should try bringing the outdoors indoors. How? By incorporating natural elements into our home’s interior design. Even if you aren’t much of an outdoorsy person, having natural elements incorporated into your decor will bring life to your home.

The great thing about natural materials is that they’re very versatile. You can put them in almost any style set up. Whether rustic, modern, or vintage. Natural elements have a way of pulling everything together without making your home look flat. In fact, it adds more texture to your home, and texture is always a good thing.

Another great thing about natural materials is that they never go out of trend. So you won’t have to worry about replacing it or throwing it away in the future because they never go out of date. That said here are five different ways you can incorporate natural materials into your decor:

1. Increase Natural Light

Increasing the natural light coming into your home doesn’t only make photographs look better. It also helps you save energy because you won’t have to turn your lights on while the sun is up. Being exposed to natural light also has plenty of benefits to our health. The sun provides vitamin D, which helps prevent bone loss and reduces the risk of getting heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Exposing yourself to sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes a day, between 10 am to 3 pm is the ideal time to soak up some vitamin D from the sun.

To increase the amount of natural light in your home, there are plenty of ways to do it. If you can afford to get bigger windows, having a room with full floor-to-ceiling windows are a great way to get a lot of natural light. You can also install skylights on your ceiling, which is basically a window on your roof. If that is too much for your budget, you can always opt to paint your interiors a lighter color.

The lighter the color the lighter it reflects and the brighter your house appears. Of course, white is the brightest hence you get more natural light. But not everybody likes the look of flat white because it can make your home look, well, flat. Good thing there are hundreds of shades of white to choose from. You could go with an off-white color or cream instead.

Having mirrors around your home will also help reflect light. But if the thought of full-length mirrors in your corridor gives you the creeps, we’ve got one tip for you. Stop watching horror movies. That or you can opt for glossy paint instead of matte and install highly reflective tiles on your floor or on your kitchen’s backsplash.

modern bathroom

2. Add Wooden Elements

Wooden tables and chairs are classic and classy. They have a way of making a home feel cozier. But wooden elements shouldn’t be limited to furniture only. Take wooden floorboards for example. They not only make your home look more natural and textured, but it also makes it more luxurious. Hardwood flooring can cost anywhere between $6 to $23 per square foot. That already includes material and installation. You could even turn your stairs into a hardwood staircase, which would be around $100 to $200 per step.

3. Install Indoor Water Fixtures

If you really want to make your home feel luxurious, install some water fixtures. Nothing screams grand as a water fountain does. If you lack the space for an actual fountain don’t worry. You can save space by turning a boring old wall into a wall fountain. And it’ll be just as luxurious as a standalone fountain. Before you do, make sure to call an electrician and a plumbing expert first. That way you get professional advice on where to best place your fountain without affecting your electricity or water supply.

4. Decorate with Stone

Say goodbye to tile and say hello to stone. Having stone flooring, especially in the restroom, is a great idea. Not only does it make your bathroom look like a high-end spa. It’s actually safer than tiles because it allows your feet to grip onto something making it less slippery. Hence making the chances of you slipping, falling, and having an untoward accident in your bathroom much lower.

5. Indoor House Plants

Adding plants to your decor will make any home look livelier. Even the darkest most depressing looking home will look amazing if you add house plants to the mix. It not only livens up the place, but it also helps liven us up mentally as well. Studies have shown that being surrounded by house plants has many positive effects on our mental and physical health. Experts say that surrounding ourselves with plants will result in lower blood pressure, better work productivity, lower stress levels, reduced symptoms of anxiety, and depression.

If you’re looking for a reason to redecorate your home, this is it. Natural elements in interior design are all the rage these days. If you want to be trendy while improving your mental and physical health as well. Add more natural elements to your home and you’ll see, it makes a big difference.

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