checking heater

When Should You Repair or Replace Your Heater?

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A non-functioning heater can turn a regular cold day into an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous crisis. As someone who lives in Park City, Utah, you understand the importance of a functioning heating system in the winter. Don’t wait until next winter to check on your heater, doing it as early as now gives you more time to research your options and think about your budget. One thing to plan early is to decide whether you’ll be replacing or repairing your heater. The following are some things to consider to help you make your decision:

When to repair your heater

Certain furnace problems can easily be repaired by a professional, especially if your furnace is fairly new (less than 10 years old). If your heater can still heat up your home properly, then it’s more likely that you only need to have it repaired. As long as repairs are less than one-third of the cost of a new system and if it’s only in the first half of its lifetime, your best option is to have it repaired. Perhaps you might even just need to upgrade your thermostat or ductwork to keep your heater functioning at optimal capacity. It’s best to have your unit checked by a reputable HVAC technician to appropriately assess its condition and make the necessary suggestions.

When to replace your heater

fixing heater

If your unit is past its expected lifetime and if repairs are more than one-third the cost of a new system, then the safest and most cost-efficient option would be to replace your heater. Here are a few other things to look out for which indicate that it’s about time you buy a new system:

  • Your heater is emitting carbon monoxide

A furnace with a cracked combustion chamber may allow carbon monoxide to leak into your home. This is extremely dangerous and must be addressed immediately. Carbon monoxide is a notorious silent killer that is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It causes death if inhaled over a long period of time. If your furnace burner flame is yellow rather than blue, if there is excessive moisture on windows and surfaces, rusting on pipes, streaks of soot around the furnace, and there is an absence of upward draft in your chimney, then your furnace is very likely emitting carbon monoxide. If you feel nausea, disorientation, migraines, and flu-like symptoms, you should evacuate your home immediately, call the fire department, notify your utility company to turn off your gas, and seek medical attention. Once you’ve got all of this settled, you should contact a professional to have your furnace replaced.

  • There is a significant increase in your heating bill

It’s possible for heating costs to fluctuate yearly, but if there are unusual spikes in your monthly bill, this may be because your furnace is not working properly and needs to be replaced. Always keep stock of all your previous heating bills so you can compare the costs from previous years. This will help determine whether your furnace is consuming too much energy. If you can’t pin these increases to anything other than your furnace, then it’s absolutely time to replace your unit. Besides this, you should also check that your heater isn’t making an unusual amount of noise, which is another sign that you need to replace it.

Having a well-functioning heater could mean the difference between a frigid, dangerous winter and a comfortable, cozy stay in.

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