child wearing braces

How Young Can Children Start Wearing Braces?

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Braces are meant to fix a few dental issues, not as a sign of being an adult or as a fashion statement. That means not everyone needs braces.

But in case your child does need them, their dentist will suggest it to you. It is up to you to let them get braces or not. Then again, having braces will help them have the perfect smile and can repair teeth problems that can worsen over time.

However, could young children get braces? If so, how young can they start?

When Can You Visit an Orthodontist?

Braces fix teeth misalignment due to overcrowded teeth as well as bite problems, which could be an overbite, underbite, or an open bite.

There are several reasons why these problems occur. It could be due to bad habits such as sucking their thumbs. But, it can also be hereditary, as some children tend to get their parents bad teeth.

Most of these issues typically appear when your child is around 12. By this time, they’ll have the majority of their permanent teeth. Dentists could see problems that needed to be fixed. Then, you’ll likely be recommended to local orthodontics.

However, young kids from ages six to seven could already start seeing an orthodontist. This is around the time their first few permanent teeth are springing up, and dental problems start becoming more apparent.

Do Young Kids Get Braces?

The orthodontist will have to assess your child’s teeth first. They will ask questions about your child’s habits and possible problems they might be going through with chewing or swallowing. They will assess your child’s bite as well.

kids with braces

Lastly, the orthodontist will require an X-ray of your child’s jaw. It allows them to check the position of both the milk and permanent teeth. A mold will then be made from your kid’s mouth, and from there, the dentist will determine the best treatment.

If they needed braces, they might have to get it earlier than the rest of the children at school. It’s also possible that a tooth or two will have to be removed to make space for the growing teeth.

Types of Braces

There are three types of braces: the traditional metal braces, clear removable braces, and the lingual braces.

Traditional metal braces include the brackets, rubbers, and the wires. It is the most common solution and could help in severe cases and bite problems. They’ll have to be adjusted and tightened each month to force the teeth and jaw to align.

In some cases, your kid might be asked to wear a headgear that is worn at night.

Clear removable braces are made from plastic. They can be removed when eating and cleaning your teeth. But they need to be on most of the time for them to work.

Lastly, the lingual braces are much like the traditional braces, only that they are attached at the back of the teeth and are hidden from view. This could be a perfect choice for those who are a little conscious about how they look.

Although young children can visit a specialist early, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will get braces. There’s a process to that, and visiting the right orthodontist will make it easier for your children to go through it.

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