

5 Significant Signs That Your Loved One May be an Alcoholic

Alcohol abuse and addiction can severely damage almost every aspect of a person’s life: it can have detrimental effects on their organs, brain, behavior, relationships, finances, and careers. Those suffering from alcoholism may require professional help to do overcome their addiction, but most of them avoid doing so either because they’re in denial about their

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closeup of baby teeth

Tooth Truth: Why Bother With Baby Teeth When They’re Falling Out Anyway?

Good teeth are one of those things stuff almost every parent is so conscious about. Given that kids are prone to cavities, moms and dads get obsessively controlling when it comes to their kids’ oral health. Interestingly though, most of them don’t care much about baby teeth. The reason is simple: those pearly whites are

Tooth Truth: Why Bother With Baby Teeth When They’re Falling Out Anyway? Read More »

family gathering

Family Reunions: How to Make Everyone Love the Event

>Researchers who have studied about familial traditions have repeatedly found that reunions have special significance among family members who are usually far-flung and disparate from each other, whether for economic or political reasons. This craving for belongingness is consistent across various cultures. There’s nothing like being in the same room with people whom you share

Family Reunions: How to Make Everyone Love the Event Read More »

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