man proposing

Unforgettable Marriage Proposal Ideas for Couples in Quarantine

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If you’re planning on proposing to your partner but find that the quarantine has limited your options, don’t fret. All you need is imagination, creativity, and resourcefulness—and you will surely be bound to find the best way to propose to your soulmate, including planning an event and buying a beautiful diamond engagement ring. No one knows them better than you, and you can use your intimate and deep knowledge of your partner to surprise them in the best way possible.

You may not have foreseen yourself proposing under these conditions, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make the best of it. Here are some quarantine proposal ideas that they will never forget.

If your partner is an extrovert

It would not be surprising if you and your partner have been self-isolating for almost a year and have not seen many of your family members and friends. If your partner is an extrovert, the past year must have taken a toll on them, and they might have had a hard time adjusting to seeing you regularly (don’t take it personally, though—it’s not you, it’s your extrovert partner), even if they may not admit it.

Have your family members and closest friends witness the proposal by setting up a huge projector in the backyard so that you can see everyone on Zoom. The decor can even be minimal–at this point, all your partner will care about is that all of your loved ones got to witness this special day.

If you and your partner love traveling

If you have memories of going on a cross-country road trip or doing a wine tasting in Western Europe, why not recreate those travels from the safety and comforts of your home? Once again, a big screen projector will be key here, as well as the props and clothes you wore.

If you haven’t been to your dream travel destination, you can bring those places to her. For example, if your dream city is Paris, you can recreate the Eiffel Tower in your living room or backyard. You can also recreate the leaning Tower of Pisa and serve Italian food for your dinner. If you and your partner love hiking and the woods, you can go to your neighborhood park and recreate the moments you enjoyed in the mountains, even if you’re just in your hometown.

Whatever your favorite city or travel destination is, you can use it to tug at your partner’s heartstrings and remind them of where the both of you can go when the pandemic is over.

man and woman having dinner

If you and your partner have a penchant for cooking

You might sense a pattern here—but an effective marriage proposal is one where your interests and personality as a couple shine through. If you and your partner have a passion for all things gastronomy and cooking, you can plan the perfect five-course meal for her, complete with her favorite dishes and your specialties. Don’t let jaded people stop you from placing the ring on the dessert—if that’s something you think your partner will love, do it!

If you both love beer and puns

You can invite your partner to beer night and surreptitiously leave the ring on a bottle of Corona. This may seem corny to people who don’t understand your humor as a couple, but it’s a great way to bond over your shared weirdness. If you and your partner love to laugh, you can leverage your favorite inside jokes and turn the proposal into a laughter-filled occasion instead of a sentimental one.

If you’re into pop culture stuff

Since the San Diego Comic-Con has been canceled twice in a row now, you and your partner might want to wear your favorite costumes at home and recreate your favorite scenes. You can recreate some of your favorite iconic movie scenes, like John Cusack serenading Ione Skye, holding a boombox over his head outside her window.

Your partner might find it silly, but it’s why it will be even more surprising if it turns out you were trying to propose all along. They might think you’re just goofing around, so suddenly whipping a ring might be the surprise they never forget.

There is no shortage of ideas that you can play with, especially since all of us have many interests and hobbies. With enough creativity and imagination, you can plan an at-home proposal that your partner will never forget. At the end of the day, all you need are each other, your love, and an engagement ring—and it will be the best and happiest day ever. Good luck!

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