woman on vacation

Solo Female Travel: Why It’s Worth It and How to Keep Yourself Safe

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Everywhere can be a dangerous place for travelers, especially females traveling on their own. But then, the risks that come with traveling won’t stop brave souls from exploring different destinations. While many females are afraid to travel alone, many are embracing solo traveling as a way to find themselves. Many quickly realized that traveling could also be a new source of joy. Some even find themselves meeting their special someone in a foreign land after finding them online or paying for a matchmaking service.

Why Solo Female Travel Makes Sense

Sometimes, all we need is a bit of inspiration from other ladies who went out of their way to travel alone. We often hear horror stories of females traveling alone or with a group being abducted, getting in trouble, or having other bad experiences. But amidst all these, solo travel still makes sense even for the single ladies out there.

It Is Wonderful for the Soul

Have you ever gone soul-searching? You may not be at a low point in your life and do not require an honest evaluation of your emotions, values or, motivations. But with solo travel, you get to invigorate your soul and start living a happier, healthier, and more purposeful life.

It also allows you to focus on your needs and wants. You get to realize your motivations, examine your core values, and even question yourself on what truly makes you happy. You get to spend time alone to reevaluate your life, get inspired, discover a new passion, and even engage in a spiritual journey to change your life.

It Allows You to Do Something for Yourself Alone

When was the last time you managed to leave all your worries behind to focus on your happiness? We are often bombarded with different responsibilities that only add to our stress levels. With solo travel, you are basically making decisions for you and yourself alone.

You can focus on what destinations you wish to visit and the activities you want to experience. It becomes easier to meet people from all walks of life and spend more time with people you want to interact with or keep a distance from. You can finally be yourself doing what you want and not having to think about what others might think or say.

You Are Never Alone

Just because you are traveling solo does not necessarily mean you are truly alone. There’s technology to help you navigate your way through the crowd in a foreign land. It becomes easier to immortalize memories by snapping photos and videos as you travel.

You get to keep in touch with your loved ones and share all new memorable experiences. It becomes easier to meet other people. You get to enjoy the modern definition of “me time” away from home.

female tourists

Staying Safe as a Female Traveling Solo

Many threats stop females from leaving their nests and traveling solo. Learning how you can stay safe while exploring different places is the first step towards successful solo travel. Here are four valuable tips you can learn from the pros.

Invest in Your Safety Travel Gear

You mostly got everything covered, from researching your accommodations to planning your itinerary. But one thing that can make all the difference is investing in the right travel tech. Using technology to your advantage will give you better peace of mind knowing you have your own back when going on a trip alone.

A satellite GPS is one good investment when traveling to areas known to have no phone service. You can easily phone a loved one to let them know you are okay, even if you are out in remote areas. It is easier to get help when you can use your phone and emergency numbers.

Download topographical maps before you go. You can then print these and have a handheld map perfect for solo trekkers. This can be a lifesaver in case you plan on going on landmark and trail hiking.

Be Open to New Friendships

You may not plan on making new friends while traveling. But this can significantly help you in making your trip more fun and safe. A new close friend can give you ideas on the best places to visit, what activities you should try next, and where to go next.

To find friends more easily, be approachable, learn the local language and consider joining travel groups. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversations with strangers and make room for spontaneity. Don’t forget to keep your wits and still stay guarded as you make friends.

Final Thoughts

Solo traveling is becoming more popular with women. This is helping ladies feel more empowered in a world where social expectations are high. Don’t let society tell you there is no point in traveling alone. Be your own top priorities and consider solo traveling at least once in a lifetime.

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