skin cancer

Skin Cancer Rates are Going Up — Are You at Risk?

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Skin cancer and melanoma are among the more serious skin problems in the US. Among men and women between the ages of 20-39, melanoma is the third most common type of cancer. Certain factors in each state may increase or decrease the prevalence of the conditions — but the sun remains the primary culprit.

Warm and Cold Temperatures

Residents of sunny states might seem to be the most vulnerable to skin cancer — but their use of sunblock limits such cases. On the other hand, residents of cooler states often disregard the sun — making them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Residents of states with extreme cold weather like Alaska aren’t as vulnerable since the protective clothing they wear against the cold also shields them from UV radiation. The sun is the sun, regardless of its intensity. So whether you’re in sunny Arizona or in cooler North Dakota — don’t rely on temperature to tell you whether or not to use sunscreen. Instead, take note of the UV index to get an idea of the intensity of sunlight.


Some states in higher areas also have the highest rates of skin cancer. Utah has the highest rate of skin cancer in the US, and elevation plays a big role in that statistic. Thinner air and proximity to the stratosphere increases the concentration of harmful UV by as much as 7 percent for every 1,000 feet of elevation. Temperatures also drop down with elevation — and the misconception that it needs to be warm for the sun to be harmful only adds to the problem.


Love of the sun and the outdoors can increase your chances of developing skin cancer and melanomas. A state with beautiful beaches and residents that pursue tanning or a state with a strong outdoor culture is more vulnerable than cooler states where residents are forced to stay indoors. While going to the beach and enjoying the water is fine — tanning is a whole other issue. Tanned skin is a sign of damage. Your skin won’t change color by a visible degree unless it takes enough damage to alter your skin’s DNA. Use a sunblock — and lots of it. And make sure to reapply every couple of hours or every hour if you’re going into the water.

Sunblock is not Enough

Sunscreen lotion bottles, towels and starfish on white backgroun

While people use sunscreen when going outside — UV can reach you even in the confines of your home, office, or vehicle. Unless you plan on wearing sunscreen at home or while you’re driving — it’s best to apply contact residential window tinting in AZ for your house’s glass windows as well as your car. While you can take your car to almost any shop for tinting, you’ll need to contact residential window makers or tinters for your home. Exposure at the office is more complicated. Try to position your desk away from the sun or appeal to management for window tints.

Skin cancer and melanomas are a problem no matter what state you live in. Be wary of the sun — because even the softest of sunlight comes with harmful UV radiation.

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