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Live Your Best Life with an Instagram-Ready Home

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Have you always wanted to take great photos of your home, but never knew how? Have you tried to make your home Instagram-worthy, but weren’t able to pull it off? If so, then this article on making homes Instagram-worthy will be invaluable to you! We’ll walk you through everything from deciding what type of room you want to make Instagram-worthy, to choosing the right camera equipment and photo editing software, to setting up and shooting the perfect shot! With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to having gorgeous Instagram pictures in no time.

The popularity of home decorating shows is proof that everyone wants their home to look perfect on Instagram. But it’s not always easy to make your home look amazing on camera, even if you’re not a DIY newbie, and you certainly don’t want to break the bank in the process. An Instagram-worthy home should be welcoming and warm, but it also has to be photogenic. People like a nice view, but they also like well-framed shots that showcase what’s interesting about your home.

Though it’s fun to put together a board of your dream home on Pinterest, actually transforming that vision into reality can be an expensive process. If you’re hoping for an Instagram-worthy shot at home, there are a few simple ways you can make any room pop.

Uncluttered Interiors Can Look Bigger than They Are

You’ve seen homes that look great on social media, but when you get there in person, they’re quite small. That’s not by chance — it happens because clutter distorts perceptions of size and scale. If you want your home to feel larger than it is, limit what you put on display inside. With just a few things displayed, your space would look and feel bigger than what it actually looks like.

The Lighter the Color, the Brighter the Space

Lighter colors absorb less light and make a room look bigger. Darker colors, on the other hand, tend to add visual weight and make small spaces seem smaller. While white is a neutral color that will brighten up your space no matter what furniture you have or what decorations you’ve hung, there are lots of other lighter shades that can liven up your living space without going overboard.

Make A Space Personal

It’s key that your home reflects you, your style, and your personality. When decorating a room with furniture that isn’t quite right, don’t be afraid to change it. If you prefer wood to plastic, replace them.

In your backyard, if there are plants that you don’t like, remove them. It might seem like a lot of work at first, but in reality, changing small things can make a huge difference! Go through each room slowly and evaluate which items need changing or removing. You can hire a lawn care service to do it for you. Add some greenery with plants, flowers, and palm trees, too, to make your yard feel more inviting.

Transform Your Kitchen and Pantry

If you have a home full of shabby, unfinished bits and bobs that aren’t Instagram ready, it might be time for an overhaul. An outdated kitchen can make even your most Instagrammable dishes look unappetizing — because when we don’t love what we see around us, our environment has a way of reflecting onto us and drawing out all of our insecurities.

If you want your food photos to pop off of people’s feeds, consider redesigning with a fresh coat of paint or updating some kitchen essentials like countertops or cabinets. Replace condiment bottles, plates, and everything else with modern versions you love, then photograph them from multiple angles to show how they fit into your space. The more life that surrounds your food shots, the more exciting they will look.

Add Natural Light to A Space

Natural light is key when you’re looking for ways to give your home an Instagrammable glow, and bringing in some sunlight through windows or glass doors can do wonders for rooms that need a bit of extra luster. Add additional lighting with candles and lamps at night, but focus on windows by day. If natural light isn’t available to you during all hours of the day (say, if you live in an apartment building), consider purchasing quality artificial lighting pieces that mimic natural daylight—or look into installing skylights or translucent roof panels onto your home.

At first, glance, making your home Instagram-worthy might seem intimidating, but with a few easy tweaks, your home can be set up for stylish shots that reflect who you are and what you love.

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