tired mom

How to Stop Looking Like a Tired Mom

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No matter how you look at it, parenting is exhausting. When you become a parent, sleepless nights are the norm, dressing up has become a thing of the past, and you’re happy just to squeeze in a quick shower between taking care of the baby and doing household chores. That said, it’s easy to neglect yourself, which can manifest through a perpetually tired appearance.

While there is nothing wrong with looking like any other tired mom, there are a lot of ways you can reverse that look if you want to get some semblance of your old self back. And don’t worry, they don’t involve spending hours in the bathroom doing your makeup or getting expensive cosmetic treatments done.

1. Stay hydrated

When you’re a busy parent, it’s easy to forget about the things you need to do to take care of yourself, and that includes drinking water. Dehydration can not only make you even more tired but it can also result in a myriad of health effects, such as headaches, low blood pressure, and dry mouth.

That said, make it a habit to drink water every half hour or so. Parents, especially breastfeeding moms, need at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. If you can’t remember to drink water, use an app that will set off alarms every time you need to take a sip.

2. Invest in a subtle diaper bag

A diaper bag doesn’t have to look like a diaper bag. If you want to stay stylish but still keep your baby’s necessities organized, invest in a low-key diaper bag that has enough room for high-quality silicone bibs, diapers, bottles, and other baby needs, but won’t put a damper on your outfit.

3. Find your go-to makeup products

Most parents will argue that they don’t have enough time to put on makeup. While this may be true to some extent, you may feel that you don’t have enough time because you’re not using the right products. There are makeup products that can make a huge difference in how your face looks with only five minutes of application. You don’t have to put on a full face, but using a primer, BB cream, and face brighteners can make you look ten years younger in a jiffy.

4. Fuel your body with the right foods

grocery shopping

The lack of sleep and general exhaustion of being a parent can make you more susceptible to illnesses, as well as generally irritable and demotivated in life. A great way to combat this is by eating healthy foods to enrich your body with the nutrients that it needs. Make it a point to eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables each after every meal. Choose whole grains and fiber-rich foods for your carbohydrate portions. If you eat meat, go for the lean options, such as white chicken, lean fish, and low-fat cuts of pork or beef.

Similarly, avoid foods that contain excessive amounts of calories, sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. While these foods may give you a pick-me-up, the energy is usually short-lived and will have you feeling even more cranky and tired afterward.

5. Wash your face

It can be tempting to just dive into bed after tucking in the baby, unwashed face is damned. However, letting the dirt, oil, and bacteria marinate on your face overnight can lead to breakouts, irritation, and generally make your skin look older. With that in mind, don’t skip the face wash, even if it’s just once a day before getting into bed. It will only take less than five minutes, anyway. And if you’re feeling especially tired, think of the five minutes as a worthwhile sacrifice for youthful skin.

6. Get a haircut or dye

Another thing that many new parents neglect is their hair. As a parent, you have little time to wash or comb your hair, much less style it. The result? A mop of unkempt hair that makes you look even more tired than you already are. Luckily, the fix can lie in a haircut or a new layer of dye. Getting a simple hairstyle can make your hair more manageable and breathe new life into it. A dye session, on the other hand, can revive your hair color and give your appearance a significant boost, especially if it’s a completely different color from your natural hair.

It’s not easy dealing with the fatigue of parenthood, even more so when you see it every time you look in the mirror. With these tips, however, you can kick the tired mom look to the curb without adding any more hassle to your daily routine.

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