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How to Start Looking for a New Job When You’re Unhappy with Your Current One

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If you’re not happy with your current job, it may be time to start looking for a new one. You could also consider a career shift if you’re not satisfied with your current field. After all, it’s not worth staying in a job that makes you unhappy.

But how can you do this without burning bridges with your current employer? And what’s the best way to look for a new job while still employed? Here are a few tips to help you start your search for a new job while keeping your current job:

Tip #1: Talk to your boss

Before you start looking for a new job, it’s crucial to have a conversation with your boss. If you’re unhappy with your current situation, explain why and see if there’s anything that can be done to improve the situation. If your boss cannot make changes that would enhance your satisfaction, it may be time to start looking for a new job.

Of course, you don’t want to quit without notice, so give your boss plenty of time to make changes before you hand in your notice. You shouldn’t just jump ship at the first sign of inconvenience; instead, you should make sure that you’ve given your employer a fair chance to improve the situation.

Tip #2: Start your search discreetly

When looking for a new job, it’s essential to be discreet. You don’t want to burn bridges with your current employer, so be careful about who you talk to and what you say. And don’t tell your boss or co-workers that you’re looking for a new job.

The last thing you want is for word to get back to your current employer that you’re looking to leave and then have them start looking for a replacement for you. If you’re caught looking for a new job, it could damage your relationship with your current employer and make it difficult to find a new job.

Tip #3: Use your resources

Many resources can help you find a new job. Talk to your friends and family, network with people in your industry, and look online for job postings. Many websites and job boards can help you find the correct position.

If you’re eyeing a specific company and you know someone who works there, you might be able to get a referral. It will help your case if you rank higher on their employee referral tracking platform, so ask your contact about the company’s referral program to give you a leg up on the hiring process.

Tip #4: Prepare for interviews

Once you’ve found a few potential jobs, it’s time to start preparing for interviews. Research the companies you’re interested in and practice your interviewing skills. You want to make sure you’re prepared and confident when you go into an interview, especially if you’re interviewing for a job that’s a step up from your current position.

So, if you can, do a few mock interviews with your friends or family to help you prepare. It’s also a good idea to have a list of questions ready to ask your potential employer. This will show that you’re interested in the position and thinking about more than just yourself.

Tip #5: Negotiate your salary


When you’re offered a new job, it’s important to negotiate your salary. This is one of the most important aspects of a job, so you want to make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask for what you deserve.

An excellent way to approach this is to research salaries for similar positions in your area and come up with a range that you’re comfortable with. Then, when you’re offered a job, you can start the negotiation process from there.

Tip #6: Give notice

Once you’ve accepted a new job, it’s time to give notice to your current employer. It’s essential to do this professionally and respectfully. You don’t want to burn any bridges, and you want to leave on good terms because this way, you may be able to use your current employer as a reference in the future.

So, sit down with your boss and explain that you’ve accepted a new job and you will be giving your notice. Be sure to thank them for the opportunity and the experience you’ve gained while working there.

Tip #7: Start your new job

After you’ve given notice, it’s time to start your new job. This is an exciting time, but it can also be nerve-wracking. Make sure you’re prepared and take the time to settle into your new position because this is a significant change.

When you’re unhappy with your current job, staying motivated and keeping your head up can be tricky. But if you follow these tips, you can start looking for a new job while still keeping your current job. With a bit of effort, you can find the correct position and positively change your career.

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