
Eliminating Noise Pollution: What Can You Do at the Workplace?

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Many individuals want to have some peace after a long day at work, when they’re starting their day out, or when they need to get some good night’s sleep. However, not everyone can afford the luxury of serenity and peace, especially in the hustle and bustle of the big city. But even though noise pollution is a “norm” for many busy urban districts, that doesn’t mean that you should put up with noise that could be a problem to your psyche in the long run.

Noise pollution usually refers to the undesirable sound which can cause long-term damage to your ears and your mental health in the long-run. Usually, noise and sound are measured in decibels. While our ears can withstand a wide range of noises and sound levels, it’s known that noise that’s above 85 decibels can be especially damaging to ears and can result in permanent loss of hearing in the long run.

Noise Pollution at Work

But not only is noise pollution a pressing concern among many living spaces, but it can also be a concern in many offices and workplaces. Although the workplace is commonly known for being busy and sometimes a bit noisy due to the hectic nature of many workplaces, noise can still have some consequences for many businesses.

Noise pollution is a pressing issue among urban and rural areas since it doesn’t just create a great deal of discomfort, but this can also have a lasting impact on many businesses, especially when it comes to productivity. This can also come in the form of hazards in the industrial setting; this can disrupt standard sleeping patterns while also hindering the recovery process for many individuals due to specific frequencies.

That said, excessive noise in the office can present various risks related to permanent hearing loss. Most would say that the part of your hearing that can process various high-frequency sound waves is usually the first to be affected. The degree of hearing loss will usually depend on critical factors, such as the loudness, the length of the exposure, the distance of the source of the noise. Although, there are instances that sudden large noises and explosions can cause near-instantaneous damage. Some people are exposed to excessive noise can develop into a ringing sound in the ear, known as tinnitus.

Since noise pollution can cause problems with productivity in the workplace and become real and present health hazards, it’s only rational to discuss important ways to reduce noise pollution in the workplace. Here are some things that you’ll need to know.

Isolating Equipment Use


Firstly, it’s important to remember that many businesses will require mechanical equipment that will produce a lot of noise. This is especially true for companies that house industrial equipment in complexes and manufacturing plants.

One way of reducing excessive noise in the workplace is isolating equipment into rooms or areas that can’t expose individuals unless they have to interact with the equipment directly. There is a multitude of ways in handling this, including:

  • Relocate the equipment towards a more isolated area or a room that is soundproofed.
  • The workers directly interacting with these types of equipment can spend some time in quiet rooms to mitigate hearing concerns.
  • If many individuals are exposed to the noise of the machinery, you can run it earlier or later in the day when only a few people are around. This can help minimize damages to hearing if it’s unavoidable.

Suppose you’re planning on soundproofing your workplace to ensure that noise doesn’t leak out from a specific room or area. In that case, some commercial spray foam contractors are known for helping various establishments in reducing noise pollution by installing highly durable sound-proof walls. Not only are these walls great ways of reducing noise, but they can also cultivate a healthier working environment. Whether it’s an office space that needs a good amount of privacy, industrial complexes, or restaurants, you can’t go wrong with a good amount of commercial insulation.

Wearing Proper PPE

It’s important to note that noise can sometimes be unavoidable in many workplaces since it’s usually part of the job description for many workers to work on certain types of equipment. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t wear safety equipment that can mitigate the effects of noise pollution. There are various earmuffs and earplugs used in the market to protect the ears in areas with high levels of decibel noise.

Noise pollution can have a lasting impact on many workers and inhabitants alike. Not only does this cause complications in hearing, but this can severely hinder productivity, especially when this can cause injuries if not addressed. That said, you’ll need to address noise problems in the workplace as soon as possible.

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