6 Things to Consider Before Jumping In On the Intermittent Fasting Bandwagon

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In recent years, many diets and weight loss methods have emerged, but one of them stands out among the rest, and that’s intermittent fasting. Instead of avoiding certain foods or limiting the calories you intake, intermittent fasting focuses more on when you should — and not eat.

Although the studies behind intermittent fasting are still relatively limited, so far, it has been associated with a significant decrease in body weight, fast, and wait for circumferences in the short term, making it an appealing weight loss method by many.

However, if you’re considering trying intermittent fasting, consider the following factors beforehand to ensure it’s safe for you and kickstart your weight loss journey with ease.

Do You Have Any Health Issues?

Several studies have found intermittent fasting can result in some adverse side effects, such as lethargy, headaches, bad temper, and constipation. People who are sick or undergoing scoliosis treatment are more prone to developing these detrimental side effects, so if you classify as one of these, it’s best to avoid intermittent fasting altogether — or consult with your doctor first.

Intermittent Fasting Is Not A Diet

If you’re looking to lose weight through dieting, keep in mind that intermittent fasting isn’t a diet. It’s more of a fixed ‘eating pattern,’ dictating when you should eat, leaving you cycling between fasting and eating patterns. Anyone can quickly implement this pattern in their lives, and it is ideal for individuals who like sticking to a routine.

Short- or Long-Term Weight Loss?

Intermittent fasting can help in weight loss by limiting the number of calories you consume throughout the day and burning more as it can boost your metabolic rate and cause less muscle loss than other weight loss methods. However, the effects it provides are mostly temporary as it can take some time for your body to adapt to the sudden change in your meal schedule.

Choose a Plan that Works Best For You

eating food

There are several types of intermittent fasting, and you need to see which plan would work best for you before diving into the practice. Intermittent fasting includes 16:8 or fasting for 16 hours, eat for eight, 5:2 or drastically reducing your calories for two days a week and regularly eat for the other five, and the ‘Warrior Diet,’ which includes eating for 4 hours and fasting for 20.

Find a plan that works well with your schedule and lifestyle — and one that you can sustain, especially if you’re considering doing intermittent fasting long-term.

Watch Your Stress Levels

It’s best to watch your stress levels before trying intermittent fasting, as the practice may make it worse. That’s because when you deprive yourself of food for an extended period can increase cortisol, your body’s stress hormone. When this happens, you’re prone to developing several mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, and personality disorders.

Consult With a Doctor A First

Before you try intermittent fasting, ensure you hash things out with your assigned physician to see if it’s safe for you based on your personal health history and current condition. Plus, it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when your health is at stake.

Although intermittent fasting is one of the biggest trends today and shows huge promise — it’s not for everyone, especially for individuals who want to eat all day long. However, for some, it has been a significant game-changer. If you’re one of the many people who’d like to try it, consider the following factors mentioned before joining the bandwagon.

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