travel bucket list

5 Important Things to Remember to Fulfill Your Travel Bucket List

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Two decades ago, we were not as obsessed with traveling as we are right now. That’s partly because it is human nature to want to discover things and partly because social media opened our eyes to the wonders of the world. Okay, that and the fact that celebrities, social media influencers, and your college friends are posting about their travel photos on Instagram like crazy.

Like many, you probably have a travel bucket list — that list of places you want to see. Whether possible or not, you hold on to this list in the hopes that you’ll win the lottery someday and visit all these places.

Wait right there. You don’t need to win the lottery to see these places. Sure, that’s going to solve the part about buying plane tickets and renting accommodations. However, there are actual people who managed to tick off everything in their bucket list without going broke or without having to win the lottery. It’s all about planning and working and saving.

Open an Account

Open a separate bank savings account for your travel plans. It is not enough to mentally set aside an amount of money every month. It has to be intentional. You should have a travel account that you will deposit or transfer money to during payday. This helps you keep up with how much you have and how much you need to save.

A coin bank is not the best idea, no matter how fulfilling it is to see you fill it up. You’ll find yourself dipping into that jar every time you need quick cash. It’s so easy to blow through your “savings” fast especially when a delivery guy is waiting at your door.

Think About Where You Want to Go

woman at the beach

You don’t have to stick with the tried-and-tested tourist spots. You can go off-road. Visiting non-tourist places should be on your bucket list. Those quaint and picturesque little French towns are some of the best places you will see in your lifetime. List down the places—touristy or not—even if it seems impossible for you to visit them all. To plan to fulfill your travel bucket list, you have to actually make one that you like.

It is important, too, to categorize the countries you want to visit. Can you see Eastern Europe in 10 days? Then, group those countries together. Where do you like to spend the most time in? They said that tourists should spend at least two weeks in Italy to get around the country. That means you cannot group it with other countries. You’d have to visit Italy separately (if you want to).

Do Your Research

It is easy to give up on your dream places because you didn’t take the time to research. Look up these places on the internet. You might think these are expensive places to visit but in reality, you might be able to afford them. List down the places you want to see and figure out how much you need to visit them. Besides, seeing these places on the internet will push you to work harder. You might even discover places that you initially didn’t think you should visit.

Use a Budget Planner

Work your travel budget on your monthly expenses. Set aside money that’s intended for traveling alone. You will not be able to see these places if you don’t work and save for it. If you have a travel plan in mind, save as much as you can by cutting your leisurely expenses such as dining out, going to the cinema, and buying expensive clothes.

Ask yourself this: would you rather sample a new local restaurant or sit in a Parisian café while looking at the Eiffel Tower? The money you spend on dining out in an expensive restaurant is money you can save for your travel plans.

Just Do It

Sometimes, it’s all about being spontaneous. Be adventurous and book that plane ticket. Don’t think and just do it. The reason why many people are not able to fulfill their travel bucket list is because they are always on the fence about traveling. Unless there’s a strong financial reason for you not to spend a thousand bucks on a short and inexpensive trip, go out there and do it. Treat yourself to this experience of being out there and fulfilling your bucket list.

It is up to you to fulfill your travel bucket list. No one’s going to do that for you. They won’t save, work, and plan to see these places for you. Make yourself accountable for your dreams of seeing the world.

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