car maintenance

5 Important Car Maintenance Tasks Millennials Often Overlook

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Millennials often get distracted by a lot of things, which makes it easy to overlook car maintenance. However, it is an essential step that every car owner must do to strengthen their vehicle’s lifespan. Here are some easy car maintenance tips that millennials should consider doing every once in a while:

Checking Your Air Filter

Keeping your car in tip-top shape must begin with the air circling inside the vehicle. You do not want to breathe unhealthy air when you are using your vehicle. Millennials may rarely take their cars to auto maintenance shops, which may lead to faulty air filters. Millennials need to change their filters annually or at least 12,000 miles.

You can change the filters yourself instead of driving to your mechanic. The screen is at a rectangular black box with metal clips inside at the hood of the car. Once you remove the air filter, you can replace it with a new one in the same position. Close the metal clips to cap off your successful changing of the air filter.

Tire Pressure and Fluids

The most dangerous maintenance habit millennials often ignore are tire pressure and fluids. Drivers need to keep an eye on tires because they are prone to wearing out, while fluids risk of running out quickly. If both overlooked, the car’s condition may decline at a higher rate than usual. Check the engine and detach the oil dipstick to see if you need to change your oil. You can also check your power steering fluid level for signs of wear and tear. For your tires, you can check your tire pressure at a gas station. Inspect your tire pressure weekly to avoid wearing them out.

close up of car

Inspect Serpentine Belts

Serpentine belts are among the most critical parts of your vehicle. Serpentine belts, if misaligned, can cause damage to other parts of the car. The losses can be costly if the belts wear out.  For every 60,000 miles, drivers can have their mechanic check the serpentine belts’ condition. Drivers must also be aware of the owner’s manual as a guide on how to maintain their cars.

Damaged Windshield or Windows

The windshield is one of the main protective features of your car. You will need it to be in condition if you do not want the strong wind or foreign objects to come crashing to your face. It will also be helpful in keeping you safe when you find yourself in an accident. If you notice a crack on the windshield, you should not ignore it. The same goes for your car windows. Consider finding a shop that provides car window repair. You will also be able to prevent any air leaks inside your vehicle. You can prevent pollution from entering your car.

Clean Interior of Car

The best way to maintain your car’s excellent condition is to keep the interior clean and fresh. Maintaining the interior of the vehicle is easy. A cleaning spray, a rag, a small vacuum cleaner can help drivers keep their vehicles comfortable to use. Owners can do interior car maintenance at the comfort of their garage.

There are a lot of car maintenance tasks you might need to perform if you want your vehicle to be as safe as it can be. If you choose to ignore these simple issues, you might not be able to use your car when you need it most.


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