car maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance: 6 Tips for a Functional and Reliable Car

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You rely on your car to get you from Point A to Point B, so you must do everything possible to ensure it’s in good working order. Like any machine, a car needs routine maintenance and check-ups to ensure it’s running correctly. Here are some tips to keep your car safe:

Check your tires regularly

One of the most important things you can do to ensure your car’s safety is to check your tires regularly. Your tires are the only part of your car that actually touch the ground, so it’s essential to make sure they are in good condition. Here are a few things to look for when you’re inspecting your tires:

  • Check the tread depth. The tread is the raised part of the tire that comes into contact with the road. Over time, the tread wears down, which can reduce traction and lead to blowouts. You can check the tread depth with a simple penny test. The inadequate tread depth is 2/32 inches.
  • Look for cracks or splits in the sidewall. These can be caused by weather conditions or driving over rough roads. If you see any cracks or splits, your car needs new tires.
  • Check for blisters or bulges. These are usually caused by hitting a curb or pothole hard enough that the tire gets damaged from the inside out. Once you have a bulge or blister, it’s only a matter of time before the tire fails completely.

Get your oil changed as recommended

Many people think they can save money by waiting longer between oil changes, but this is a false economy. Over time, dirty oil can cause engine damage, leading to expensive repairs. What’s more, if your engine fails while on the road, it could leave you stranded. To avoid these problems, it’s best to play it safe and get your oil changed according to the schedule in your owner’s manual. This may seem like a hassle, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run.

Don’t neglect damages

While repairing car damages isn’t always cheap, keeping up with them is essential. If you don’t repair damages like windshield chips and dents in the body, they could worsen over time. For example, a windshield chip can quickly become a crack if it isn’t repaired as soon as possible. Similarly, a small dent can become more noticeable as the metal continues to deteriorate. If this is the case, you need immediate windshield repair to keep your car in good condition.

Inspect your brakes and brake fluid level regularly

Many people don’t realize how important it is to inspect their brakes and brake fluid level regularly. Brakes are one of your car’s most critical safety features, and if they’re not in good working condition, you could be at risk for an accident. The brake fluid level should be checked at least once a month, and if it’s low, you should add more fluid. You can also have your brakes inspected by a professional mechanic to ensure they’re in good working order.

Keep an eye on your coolant levels and add more if necessary

Coolant helps to keep your engine from overheating, and it also helps to protect against freezing in cold weather. If your coolant level gets too low, it can lead to severe engine damage. Therefore, it’s essential to check your coolant level regularly and top it off if necessary. You can usually find the coolant reservoir under the hood of your car. Be sure to check the level when the engine is cold, as the level will decrease when the engine is hot. If you’re unsure how to check your coolant level, consult your owner’s manual or take your car to a qualified mechanic.

car headlights on at night

Make sure your headlights, taillights, and turn signals are functioning

It’s essential to make sure your car’s headlights, taillights, and turn signals are functioning properly. Not only is it the law in most states, but it’s also a safety issue. Headlights help you see at night and in bad weather and also help other drivers see you. Taillights and turn signals let other drivers know when you’re stopping or turning and can help prevent accidents. So before you hit the road, take a few minutes to check all your lights. It could save your life or someone else’s.

The bottom line

Owning a vehicle means having the responsibility to keep it in good working order. To ensure the safety of your car and its occupants, it’s important to follow these tips for regular maintenance. From checking your tires and brakes to inspecting your coolant level and headlights, you should make sure you’re doing what you can to keep your car running smoothly.

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