exercising at the gym

How to Stay Fit without Getting Bored

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The struggle to stay fit and healthy is real.

You’re tired, it’s dark outside, you have a million things to do, and yet you still find yourself looking for something to keep your mind off of the piles of work ahead of you.  And then there are those days when all that’s left in your fridge are tattered old vegetables and an expired tub of yogurt that wasn’t yours in the first place. It can seem like what was once a hobby or habit has turned into a chore, a task on top of everything else on your list.

But don’t worry. We’ve got some tips to help you get back into shape without getting bored:

  1. Keep workouts short

You should keep your workouts short and sweet – we recommend 30 minutes max. This will help you get in, do the job at hand efficiently without overdoing it or compromising on the quality of exercise sessions because of time constraints!

Briana Betts-Lopez from Copywrite My Blog says: “The way I see it is this; if something’s worth doing, then it takes little effort!”

  1. List activities you enjoy

Make a list of all the activities you enjoy doing, and then look for ways to incorporate more of them into your daily routine to stay fit and healthy.

Get more creative. You can do so many fun things, from playing duckpin bowling on the weekends to biking to work every day (if the distance is doable).

List all the different activities that interest and excite YOU. This method will help choose what type of exercise would work best for how much time is available, where convenient (e: example walking or jogging around town).

Then look at ways these various pursuits might fit into everyday life — maybe try incorporating somatics even if only once per week, adding specific dates onto the calendar, noting each ear when possible.

Somatics combines mind-body centering, among other techniques. Pilates, yoga, and dance use somatics.

  1. Create an exercise playlist on Spotify

If you want to keep up with the pace of your favorite song while exercising, create an exclusive Spotify playlist for this purpose. The best songs on there should have beats that match what feels like natural movement.

  1. Use a fitness app

Fitness apps are an excellent way to stay motivated and track your progress. Try using Nike+, MapMyRun, or MyFitnessPál ́to help with this process. Another app to try is Fitocracy.

person using fitness app

Fitocracy is an app for tracking your workouts and even a journal to make sure you never miss another day of healthy living.

  1. Join a running club or gym

Staying motivated is key to staying fit. The best way of doing this, without feeling too bored or lonely at the gym? Join an official running club! You’ll have plenty of other people there who will push each other and keep you going when things get tough.

One of the most important parts of finding a good gym or running club is the location. For starters, pick ones near your home, so there’s no excuse not to go. Second, make sure you’ll like the other members. Visit the club or gym; get to know the people a bit.

  1. Sign up for races

A competition sounds scary, yes. But joining your first marathon will be worth it since signing up for a race is a good motivator. Not only will it be an accomplishment when your goal is reached, but the sense of community makes this even better. You’ll feel like part of something bigger than yourself while working toward achieving one specific goal that pushes others as well; it ultimately keeps us going day after day in life.

  1. Exercise with friends

Find someone who shares similar goals as yours and work out together at least once per week (this can be anything from yoga, hiking, bike rides, and the like).

Increasing your social ties can be an excellent way of staying healthy. Staying active with friends will not only make you happier but also help keep the pounds off. So find someone who shares similar goals as yours and work out together, at least once per week (this could be anything from yoga, hiking, or even bike rides) or according to a schedule you all agree on.

It’s tough to find the time and motivation to be active when we live such busy lives, but you owe it to yourself. You don’t have to go all-in at first. Just try adding one new activity into your routine each week.

If that’s too much for now, start with something simple like walking around the block a few times or taking the stairs instead of an elevator. Remember that little change can make a big difference in how healthy and fit you are.

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