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Redefine Your Man Cave

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Are you a young urban professional? Have you started living on your own even before the pandemic? If so, you must be enjoying your independence. You are now away from the rules under your parents’ roof. You have the freedom to decide on your own. Living alone also implies that you are free to personalize your space without anyone breathing down your neck.

Introducing the concept of a man cave. A man cave is a space that is specially designed for a specific man’s hobbies and interests. Designing your man cave according to your taste and interests can be an exciting adventure. Are you ready to upgrade your contemporary man cave?

Unique Design Ideas

When designing your man cave, it is important to keep in mind the things you like and dislike. The point of having a man cave and being independent is enjoying the freedom to decorate your space however you deem fit. Here are some ways that can help guide you in the right direction in deciding on your man cave decoration.

Whether you are an artistic individual or not, having art in your space can be the key to adding a touch of sophistication to your home. Consider contacting a professional art-printing service to provide you some of your printed art decor needs. A fine art print can make or break your space, so choose quality service over cheap labor.

When redesigning your bachelor pad, take note of the colors you use in every aspect of your space. Have you been using light colors for your walls? Light colors can be associated with femininity. If this is not the mood you are looking for, you might want to opt for colors on the other end of the spectrum. Go for classy dark shades that can offer a dramatic effect on your home.

To add to this dramatic effect, your man cave can also have dark wood elements. Compared to light-colored wood, which can communicate a homey vibe, dark wood can offer a cooler and casual look that hints at having a masculine vibe. You can even throw in a few industrial elements if you want to stay on-trend.

Keep your space looking sleek and modern. A contemporary bachelor pad needs a variety of textures to help keep things looking interesting. You can achieve texture variety by adding faux fur accents through a rug or a throw pillow on your elegant sofa.

In line with these bachelor pad décor ideas, a man cave should also match modern and masculine furniture. If you are going for a cool, independent bachelor vibe, you might as well go all-out with the aesthetics.

man having coffee

Refurnish Your Space

When redecorating your space into a more conducive man cave, your furniture styles and variety also play an important role in setting the right tone and mood for your everyday lifestyle.

Leather is always a good idea when designing a man cave. If you are going for a more eco-conscious lifestyle, perhaps you can look for vegan leather. Nevertheless, a touch of classy leather in your man cave can always heighten your manly aesthetic.

Don’t forget the Master Chair. This chair should be comfortable yet functional. Having a sophisticated design is a given. This chair is your designated relaxation space where you can sit back and drink some booze.

Geometry is also a good idea when it comes to masculine design. Choose furniture with clean lines to maintain your sophisticated vibe. You can also choose to incorporate geometric patterns in your accessories, such as your pillowcase and rugs.

These are some things to guide you in redecorating your man cave. Although these are all visual aspects of a space, you should also consider your home’s safety. During this time, health and safety are of utmost importance, and it should be your top priority if you are living alone. What are the things to keep in mind during this pandemic?

Home Safety Precautions and Protocols

As you enjoy the freedom of living alone, this independence also comes with big responsibilities. Since your parents don’t get to watch your every move, you will have to do it yourself.

During this pandemic, you should wash your hands regularly. You should also avoid touching your face with unwashed hands to prevent contact with viruses. Practice social distancing and quarantine protocols, especially if friends and family attempt to visit you. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces to avoid the transfer of viruses. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Your man cave reflects your personality and your interests. Though designing might not be your current top priority during this pandemic, it is acceptable to plan out the things you want to add or change in your space once the situation starts to get better.

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