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Increase Your Internet Presence with These 4 Ways

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While everybody is still staying at home, their time spent accessing the internet has skyrocketed. Many businesses have stepped down or worse, closed because people are not going outside to visit their shops anymore. However, there are also businesses that are thriving due to their adoption of using the internet to advertise their product or service.

Using the internet is now becoming a more essential avenue to promote one’s business as more and more people are using these digital devices and applications to buy and sell their own products and services. Here are four tips to increase your internet presence.


A website is basically your internet shop address. People who are curious about your product or service will visit your shop or in this case your website and look around if you offer what they are looking for. Setting up a website is easy and there are a ton of services that can help you build your own website. As soon as you have set up one, you need to start filling it up with the important parts.

Usually, we have a home page which is where you introduce your business to all who visit. This page is also where you can put down your contact details, so the customers know how to reach you. Next is your about us page where you tell more about your business so that they can familiarize themselves with your goals and values.

The most important page is the products and services page as this is where you showcase what you offer to your customers. This is done well by using well-lit and framed photos as well as using a video ad network system to promote your goods. If your photos are taken well it perceives you as more professional.

Social Media

social media

The digital age is still rising and the number of people using social media has never been bigger than today. This is a market that everyone should tap into as the use of social media is key to promote your business as well. Think of it as different markets where you can promote your business in. You can post or advertise your website through these different sites as well as use their own features to promote your products and services as well.

All of it is now connected to a giant network where you can link your advertisement from one social media platform to another seamlessly. Discover the different social media platforms out there and see where your business fits best.

Delivery Service

If your customers cannot visit you to buy your goods, then you should visit your customers to deliver your goods. There is a rise in delivery services that would be the bridge that businesses and customers need. They will be the middleman that would be delivering the products that your customers buy in the safety of their own homes. Usually, there will be an application that has a system to coordinate the business owners to the drivers and then to the customers.

Ask around your local area if they have signed up with these delivery services. You can also search around the internet as this is also a tool for you to use when you want to start a delivery service. If you are a hands-on person, you could offer yourself as the deliveryman and be the one to deliver the goods and services yourself to the customers. This will not only give you insights into your customers but also give your customers a sense of personal touch when they see you delivering it on your own. Just remember to always be safe.


Sometimes we need to get a brand-new take on what your business should look and feel like. If it looks or feels old or out of place anymore then your customers will not be interested nor bat an eye on your business. This may call for a rebranding job. This basically means putting a fresh coat of paint on your business so that your potential customers will be enticed to view and ultimately buy your product or service. There are many kinds of rebranding and the most common one is to update your logo and slogan.

This can be done by hiring a designer who can create what your vision is with your business. Maybe the photos of your products are old, then hire a good photographer to make them look good. You can also use these photos on your website and social media platforms. People nowadays are looking for good design as it shows that the business knows how to take care of themselves and takes it seriously.

There is no clear-cut answer on how to perfectly grow your business during these times as we are still unsure of what will happen in the near future. It is scary to think that there may be a day that we will not be able to continue our business as this is our way of life. But preparation is key to minimize these unforeseen circumstances and with the help of these four tips, we hope that your business will thrive.

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