man sorting garbage that can be recycled

How to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle in Your Home

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Statistics show that an average individual generates more than 4 pounds of trash in a single day. Multiply that with 7.8 billion people in the world, and you’ll end up with an alarmingly high amount of garbage.

Because of this, the environment is taking a hit. The huge amount of trash we generate in a day is greatly affecting environmental health. That’s why we’re facing problems like global warming, climate change, etc. We’re destroying the world we live in.

If we keep this up, then 5, 10, or 15 years from now, our environment will not look like what it does today. Imagine your grandchildren not being able to see the lush greeneries, the clear, blue sky, and smell the fresh air.

A lot of people have recognized this and have begun practicing the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. They have become huge environmental advocates to help save mother earth.

Because the earth is your home too, you should do your part. Even the smallest actions will make a world of difference. Here’s how:


Reduce the amount of garbage you produce on a daily basis. By limiting your use of disposable materials, you can help in significantly lessening the waste that harms the environment. Here are some ways you can help reduce it.

  • Be wary of the materials you buy in grocery stores.
  • Stay away from individually packaged goods, or those that are packed using plastic.
  • Instead of getting tons of paper napkins, opt to go for dishcloths instead.

The key to reducing waste is being careful with what you purchase and looking for better, more eco-friendly options.


A lot of the things we use on a daily basis are reusable. As much as possible, avoid disposable objects and opt for materials that you can use over and over again. Here are some tips:

  • The plastic bags we get from grocery stores can be put aside and reused the next time we go shopping. Or better yet, choose to make use of eco-bags or cloth bags instead.
  • Use reusable containers to pack leftovers. Avoid using cling wrap, foil, or plastic.
  • Carry a water bottle with you so you don’t have to buy bottled water or use plastic cups when you get thirsty.


plastic bottles turned into plant pots

We’ve gotten used to the habit of throwing things away after they’ve been used. But many plastic or paper materials can be recycled and used for other purposes. There are trendy bags, decorations, and other things now made from recycled materials.

Learn to recycle. There are a lot of creative ways to make use of old things. Some just need a little gluing or plastic bonding, and they can be utilized for helpful purposes. Find a way to use recyclable materials you plan on throwing away.

Just by recycling a ton of cardboard boxes or plastic bottles, you can save several cubic yards of landfill space. You can also support industries crafting goods from the use of recycled materials.

If the 7.8 billion people did even the smallest acts to help save our environment, we’re going to see tremendous change and improvement. Do your part in making the world a better place to live in — not only for you but for the future generations.

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