man with a therapist

How to Convince a Loved One to Seek Professional Help for Their Mental Health Problems

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How do you convince a loved one to seek therapy for their mental health problems? Do you know that only one out of three people with mental health problems seek professional help? Additional research shows that the people who need help the most are usually the ones who don’t go to therapy at all. They are in denial that a therapist could help them deal with their problems.

Whether you’re going through a substance-abuse addiction, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder, don’t think twice about going to a mental health treatment center in Florida or other states. These centers are designed to help people deal with the causes of their mental health problems. The therapists will not judge your loved one about the decisions they have made in life. They will not advise them on how to decide on certain matters. Rather, these therapists are trained to lend a listening ear and find out what’s causing their mental illness.

Don’t Judge

You can’t tell someone to snap out of their depression. It doesn’t work that way. If you truly want to help, offer to listen to your loved one. Don’t judge the choices they have made. You need to validate and acknowledge their feelings. You cannot shrug off their emotions. Let them know that you are there to listen. Never belittle their views on the matter.

Talk About Your Knowledge About Depression

Show your loved one that you know a thing or two about mental health problems. Show them that you have done your homework and want to help them the best way you can. There is a good chance that your loved one doesn’t understand what they are going through. Help them recognize that they may be suffering from depression, for example, and should seek help. Make them realize that depression, anxiety, and substance addiction are treatable.

If you’ve had a positive experience with therapy in the past, you can discuss that. You can also share your opinions about the stigma around mental health. And remember that your tone should not be condescending or judgmental. Be very careful about how you approach someone with a mental health problem.

Do the Legwork

Finding a therapist is often a lot of work. Most of the time, money is the issue. Offer to pay for the initial consultation. If this is not possible, find an affordable therapist or someone who does pro bono work. As part of their code of ethics, therapists provide free services for those who cannot afford them.

Be Patient

woman comforting her loved one

If you think that finding an affordable therapist is hard, wait until you actually have to drive your loved one to the treatment center or clinic. You will meet a lot of resistance. This is normal. They may even shout at you and call you names. Understand that these are not personal. They are reacting that way because they are in denial about their need to seek professional help. Above all things, be patient and understanding of what they are going through.

It is hard for you to see someone you love suffer from depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The only way to get through this suffering is to offer as much encouragement as needed. Let them know that you are with them every step of the way.

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