recycling bins

Helping the Environment, Protecting the Company Income

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Every company wants to protect their employees, their profits, and the environment. One way to do that is to ensure the cleanliness of the workplace. And how do you do that? With a bin, of course!

Office recycling bins are critical in maintaining your office in the right order. These bins have a say in your company’s commitment to a sustainable environment. The appearance of the containers in your office /company informs the user of how you value proper water disposal. The recycling bins should be placed consistently in your company/ business with appropriate labels and signage to guarantee a successful waste recycling program. Let us look at how to customize your office recycling bins.

Recycling graphics and labels

It takes a fraction of a second for a user to determine where to throw waste. This is a valid reason why you need to customize your office bins. The bins should be labeled with clear, correct, and large enough graphics to streamline the waste disposal program.

The best way is to ensure the graphics include images of the kind of waste that needs to land on the specific bins. You can also opt to include sustainability information on the graphics.

Materials and colors

reycling bins

It’s essential to ensure your bins depict your business needs besides meeting the set aesthetic requirements. You should consider recycling bins to be as important as your business.

When ordering recycling bins for your office, it’s essential to note different areas in the building will require containers of varying designs. For example, recycling bins in your front office should mimic the design of the room and, if possible, your company branding

Additionally, they should be sleek and modern. The materials and colors used in the bins should be consistent throughout the business premises.

Bin Size

The size of your office bins should correspond to the number of users in the office and the trash that has been collected. If you aren’t aware of the amount of water your office generates, it’s vital to opt to conduct a waste audit. This process will help you to understand the required bins sizes. The bins will also depend on the kind of water generated in the office.

For example, organics, paper, and electronics will need different recycling bins; the size of the containers will also vary. When customizing your bins according to size, it’s relevant to consider if you’ll adopt a desk side or centralized recycling program. When your employees are well;-informed about the recycling program in place, they will be more willing to support the initiative and prevents stream contamination.

The best option for an office is a centralized recycling program; it helps your staff to move from their desks, thus promoting their health. Additionally, it’s the best program to limit stream contamination.

Customizing your office recycling bins is a perfect way of improving your waste recycling program and supporting a sustainable environment. This article has presented three primary ways in which you can customize your office recycling bins. Make your office presentable by implementing these methods.

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