colored sketch of home design surroundby swatches and color pencils

From Flat Land to Your Dream House: The Journey to Building Your First Home

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Owning land is a rewarding investment as it appreciates in value over time, especially if it’s located in an area with increasing demand for homes. You also have the opportunity to design and build your own home rather than searching the market for an existing one that suits your preference and lifestyle.

Take Control of the Design of Your Home

Isn’t it fulfilling to live in a house built according to your specifications? That’s why building a new home is more beneficial than buying an existing one. You get to customize your home from the ground up. The layout, flooring, cabinets, colors, and lighting will be completely up to you.

Designing your own home allows you to decide on the floor plan and room layout that matches your needs. For instance, you can place the master bedroom on any floor or corner of your home, depending on your preference.

Additionally, newly constructed homes tend to be more energy saving than those built years ago. More home systems and appliances, such as water heaters, washing machines, and air conditioning units, are now energy-efficient to help reduce your utility bills.

Streamlining Your Home Construction

Building a new home is a tedious process and comes with unique challenges. A comprehensive construction plan helps you reduce stress and guides you throughout your journey of building your first home.

Here a few tips to streamline your home construction:

Have a land survey

This is crucial to land development as it helps determine the boundaries and features of properties.  An American Land Title Association (ALTA) survey would give you peace of mind about your home construction. It protects you from disputes that may arise. For this purpose, you need to work with a land surveyor in Park City to survey your land.

Design your house carefully

Choose the position and direction of your house first before designing your home. Consider the direction of the sun in summer and winter when deciding on your position. If you like a certain design, make sure it fits your chosen the placement of your home to ensure comfort.

Match your home design to your lifestyle

Considering your lifestyle and your family members’ would help you come up with a design suitable for everyone. Think about how you want to live in your new home to identify what features to include in your design.

Choose your contractor wisely

The rate shouldn’t be your only basis when hiring a contractor. It’s essential to check the reputation of the firm and the quality of their work. Remember, however, that finding the right contractor doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes you have to wait a long time to find a dependable professional who is available, especially in a hot market.

The Average Cost of Building a House

House plans with calculator for costing estimate

Despite the opportunity to meet your exact design, building your home can be an exhausting process, especially when you see your expenses. The average cost of building a new house is $290,920 with about $150 per square foot for a 2,000 square foot home.

The prices of building a home will vary, depending on the type of house you want. The location, size of your lot, and materials also affect the cost of building your dream house. Choose features you really need, as opposed to trendy ones, to  maximize your budget.

Building your home should still be a positive experience despite the challenges you may face. Seek help and advice from people who have built their own homes to know what to expect. And be well informed before making decisions to ensure you’ll have a dream home that’s well within your budget.


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