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What Outdoor Activities Should You Experience At Least Once In Your Life?

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The Covid-19 pandemic has reshaped most aspects of people’s lives that going outdoors might seem like an alien concept, especially after months of lockdown and social distancing. But with the promise of vaccinations and dropping numbers of cases, it might be time for you and your family and friends to enjoy the outside world before the next crisis forces you to stay home again. Of course, make sure you’re going to do it safely with a mask, proper hygiene, and a vaccine.

Outdoor Activities That Should Be On Your Bucket List

Of course, not everyone is an outdoorsy person. This list of outdoor activities is specifically for people who love being a homebody but are looking to try being outdoors now that going out is permitted again.

It would be best to try many activities as they can be good for your physical and mental health. Here are some activities you should check out:

  • Sailing

In the 1980s, sailing was a popular American activity that approximately 12 million Americans went sailing during every year. Unfortunately, that figure has since declined to only 2.5 million people sailing annually. If you think about it, it can be a good thing since the seas are less busy and more peaceful, giving you more incentives to try this activity. It can be a calming respite from the hustling and bustling city, which will boost your mood and help your mental health.

If you want to try it as a sport, there are also numerous pros to sailing. Maneuvering the sail of a sailboat can take some effort, building your strength and muscles. It’s almost similar to a day in the gym. Additionally, there is no age limit for it, and you can even compete as a solo or a team sport.

Of course, owning a sailboat can be pretty expensive, but you don’t need to worry about that part. You can also borrow boats from a boat rental place and save money. Maybe it would even awaken the sailor in you and make you save up and invest for your own boat.

  • Scuba Diving

Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there, and if you’re comfortable being underwater, then you should try scuba diving. It can strengthen your lungs and overall posture, especially if you spend too much time sitting down during your Zoom meetings.

Additionally, scuba diving would allow you to witness the beauty of marine life. It’s not something you get to see every day, so try it when you have the chance.

  • Hiking

There is no denying that being in nature does wonder for your overall well-being. The fresh air, peace, and the activities you can do while surrounded by nature can help with mental health by giving your mood the boost it needs.

Besides the mental benefits of being in nature, several physical benefits are attributed to activities like hiking. It can even lower your risks of falling sick to certain heart diseases, and it’s also a good source of vitamin D. You can also go camping if you’re feeling extra adventurous.

  • Cycling

Besides being a form of transportation, bicycles are also something that you can use to exercise. In case you’re wondering: yes, riding your bike has multiple health benefits like increasing your cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, flexibility, joint mobility while decreasing your stress and body fat levels. Additionally, cycling can also improve your posture and coordination, bones’ strength and helps manage certain diseases.

  • Jogging

The best part about jogging is that it doesn’t require you to have any equipment to do it; you’ll need your running shoes, and that’s it. Well, you might need some water to quench your thirst and some sunscreen if it’s too sunny outside, but other than that, you can go jogging whenever you feel like it.

Of course, jogging has a long list of benefits that help you strengthen your bones and muscles while improving your cardiovascular fitness. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your heart condition and immune system. So, if you’re looking for a sign to go out and jog, let this be it.

Into The Wild

Working out in the gym has many benefits, as well. But if you’re going to get some exercise, try going outdoors. Being locked in for several months has been too much, so it’s time you give yourself some sun and nature. Do it alone, or go with your family and friends. It’s always enjoyable to be outdoorsy. Hurry up before the world goes on lockdown again.

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