
Efficient Ways to Pack Your Clothes When Moving

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Studies show that, on average, Americans move at least 11 times in their lifetimes. Some prefer to pick the fastest-growing states like Idaho while others change their address to their nearby city or county.

Fortunately, Americans can count on services like long-distance movers to save themselves the hassle of dragging lots of things when relocating.

Nevertheless, learning some cool tips on how to pack clothes, so they don’t get damaged especially during long transits is definitely one of the life skills:

1. Know Which Clothes You Should Bring

According to a survey by ClosetMaid, Americans own about 130 items. Women may have 30 outfits—a different piece of clothing for every day. Check online, though, and you’ll find dozens of walk-in closet tours that cover several square feet.

If you want to be practical and save both space and money when relocating, it’s time to downsize the number of clothing you should bring:

  • Do it the traditional way — Get four boxes and label each as “give,” “keep,” “throw away,” or “sell.” Then decide where your belongings should go. Definitely, something that can no longer be worn because it’s so damaged needs to be in the “throw-away” box. If you want to earn money through a garage sale, sort your clothes at least two weeks before you leave.
  • Be inspired by Marie Kondo — Another way to declutter your clothing is by taking a hint from Marie Kondo, who popularized the concept of keeping only the items that spark joy. How do you know it? Hold each item and identify what you feel. Does it stir positive memories? Does it make you happy? Is it your favorite clothing, and is it still wearable? If your answer to all three questions is yes, then by all means, bring it with you.

2. Wash and Dry-Clean Your Clothes Beforehand

checking clothes

The benefits often outweigh the time-consuming process of washing and cleaning your clothing. First, moving takes a lot of energy and time.

When you arrive at your new home, you are likely to get busy with checking with the utility, cleaning the place, and a lot more. Laundry is probably at the end of your to-do-list, so it helps to have fresh, clean clothes ready.

Second, cleaning your clothes helps you avoid packing stinky ones. Otherwise, you’ll arrive with a bunch of unwearable pieces.

Never pack damp ones, though. Water increases moisture, which makes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Clothes may not only smell but also become moldy.

Plan the clothes to wash properly. If you don’t have a dryer, begin with those you will be bringing along but will not wear immediately or every day like winter clothes. Allow at least a day to clean those that dry fast, like underwear or cotton shirts.

If you still end up with dirty clothing like the pieces you wear a day before moving, pack it separately and label it correctly.

3. Choose the Right Storage

Professional movers can save you from the headache of choosing the right box. Some already have wardrobe boxes, which are types of storage that let you hang clothes and other items that may wrinkle quickly.

But you can also use whatever useful item you have at home. For example, a duffel bag is ideal for storing shoes and socks (which you can insert inside the shoes). You may also organize folded clothing here.

If you have a dresser or a wardrobe cabinet and you’re bringing this with you, you can choose not to remove the items inside. Just tell the movers to secure them properly since they are not empty.

Suitcases are also another excellent choice. They are sturdy and often come with straps or belts to keep the items secure. To maximize the space, you can learn the army roll method.

If you don’t have a suitcase or a duffel bag, you can actually pack your clothing with plastic. To make sure it doesn’t get wrinkly later, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the air and compress it.

Another technique is to place the clothes inside, tie the plastic but leave a small open part to remove the air, and slowly squeeze it to get rid of air. Once it looks flat, you can completely tie the plastic.

While you have movers who can take care of relocating your belongings smoothly, you know your clothes better. By learning how to pack, you can extend their lives longer, save more space and money, and continue enjoying the clothes you like.

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