Pile of unfolded dirty clothes for laundry on the bed. Heap of used clothes for donation and recycling. Concept of minimalism, mess and wardrobe cleaning

How to Care for Your Clothes for Longer Use

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Are you tired of having to replace your clothes every few months? Then, did you know that 15% of old clothing and other fabrics in the U.S. get properly reused or recycled? The rest of the clothes and textiles are sent straight to landfill areas or incinerators for disposal. Moreover, spending a lot of money on something can be frustrating, only to have it start falling apart after a few wears. But don’t worry — plenty of ways to make your clothes last longer.

Invest in Quality

High-quality clothing is worth the investment because it lasts longer. Not only does it look better, but it also feels better to wear. It doesn’t wrinkle as easily, and it doesn’t show dirt as quickly. Plus, you can wear high-quality clothing for years without having to replace it.

When finding high-quality clothing that is also affordable, it is essential to research. You can also ask your friends where they buy their clothes, especially if you find their style fashionable. Many affordable brands offer high-quality clothing, but it may take a little digging to find them.

Follow the Care Instructions

When you buy a new piece of clothing, the first thing you do is probably take a look at the tags. Tags on clothes have all sorts of information, including where the garment came from, what size it is, and what material was used to make it. Most importantly, it contains information on how to wash and dry that specific piece of clothing to make it last longer without fading its colors or shrinking.

Every fabric is different, and each one requires a specific type of care. For example, wool shrinks when washed in hot water. Meanwhile, silk easily wrinkles, so you shouldn’t dry it with high heat. And cotton shrinks when put in the dryer, so it’s best to hang them to dry.

Hire Professional Laundry Services

If you don’t have the time to care for your clothing pieces individually, it’s best to leave it up to the professionals. Professional laundry services know how to take care of each type of fabric, and they can do it more effectively than you ever could. They are also more likely to have the necessary equipment to handle clothes with care.

Hiring professionals is more cost-effective than you might think, especially considering how much you spend every month on laundry detergents and your water bill. Moreover, professional weekly laundry delivery services provide further convenience for you. Because if you don’t want to haul your clothes to the laundromat, laundry services will come and get your laundry from your home and bring it back all clean and neatly folded.

Fix Clothes

Clothing can get holes, ripped, loose buttons, and broken zippers over time. Damage is usually caused by how you wear and care for your clothes. But sometimes it also happens if your clothes got snagged somewhere or you accidentally pulled too hard on your clothing.

Instead of throwing your ripped clothes away and buying new ones, you can learn how to sew them up so you can save your clothing and money. Sewing is a simple skill that anyone can learn with practice.

If you leave clothes with rips, tears, or broken buttons and zippers, the damage will only worsen over time. Not only does it make the clothes look bad, but it can also make them difficult to wear. And if you wear clothes with tears or rips, the fabric can snag and tear even more.

Sewing materials like pins needles, threads, and thimbles on a desk

Properly Store Clothes

A cluttered closet can make finding the clothes you want to wear a challenge. Not only does this create a lot of frustration, but it can also lead to missed opportunities when you don’t have anything to wear for an important event. Moreover, properly storing your clothes in a clean closet can make them last longer. Moths, for example, are attracted to dirty laundry and can cause irreparable damage to your clothes.

On the other hand, seasonal clothing can take up a lot of space in your closet, and it’s easy to forget about them when you’re not using them. Store your seasonal clothing so you can still have easy access to them when you need them but free up space in your closet for other clothes. You can do this by storing your seasonal clothes in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags to protect them from dust, dirt, and moisture.

Clothes are a big part of our lives. We wear them to work, social events, and sometimes just for fun. We must take care of them so they last as long as possible and look good.

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