home renovation with dog

How to Stay Active during a Home Renovation

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Home renovations are time-consuming, stressful, and costly projects that only dedicated homeowners choose to do. The aspect of adding value, improving, and beautifying their homes outweighs the grueling process so much so that homeowners pull all the stops for renovation. New and existing homeowners even apply for a home renovation mortgage to help their finances.

It often seems impossible to exercise after you spent your day improving your home, but you can do it. It’s all in the matter of proper time management. Every morning, get your planner ready and write down all the tasks you need to do for your project. Once you have an exact list of your plan, allot about thirty to an hour for your workout routine, we recommend the following to add to your to-do list for the day:

Combine home renovation and exercise

Who says the home renovation isn’t going to help you burn calories? Fixing and repurposing rooms in your house is a ton of work, and you need serious elbow-grease to finish it all. Improving your home pulls all the stops. It adds value to your home, gets you productive, and burns calories. Furthermore, when you finish your renovation, you’ll get the most significant benefit of all: feeling proud and accomplished of your work.

One of the most strenuous renovation projects is landscaping. In landscaping, you’re continually clipping branches, digging, clearing shrubs, and installing walkways, all done under the heat of the sun. Plus, the arms and legs workout you’ll get from hauling all the materials. If landscaping doesn’t make you sweat, I don’t know what will.

Other taxing activities are renovating your flooring and painting your walls. Replacing your flooring involves you lifting floorboards and meticulously applying new ones by hand. If you’re working on tiles, you’re going to work harder from all the dismantling and tile grout installation you’re going to do.

Try running

No, not running away from the mess in your home caused by your renovation; I mean running as a form of exercise. Running and jogging provide multitudes of health benefits. It can strengthen muscles, improve your stamina, burn calories, and maintain a healthy weight.

Not only that, but running helps you get out of your house. Continually doing the same procedures for your renovation can be too monotonous and repetitive. By incorporating jogging into your daily routine, you can get away from the monotony and stay healthy at the same time. Furthermore, if you have dogs, running is the perfect activity to exercise you and your dog at the same time. Invite your family members for added fun, and your stress will go away with every footprint.

Diet is 60% of the work

healthy food

Staying active without dieting is akin to renovating your floors but not grouting your tiles. Yes, you can still be healthy, but you’re hindering the process.

If you’re renovating your kitchen, you’re most likely going to order takeout from your favorite fast-food chain. However, we advise you to stray away from it. Fast-foods are notoriously calorie-dense meals that don’t fit your daily needs. Cooking healthy meals to fit your daily macros and calorie consumption might be problematic without your kitchen, but various healthy restaurants provide proper nutrition without sacrificing taste. We recommend checking your area for local diners that serves home-cooked meals. Not only will you get your needed macros, but you’ll also support small businesses.

Practice calisthenics

If you’re renovating your gym area and your weights are inaccessible right now, practice calisthenics. Calisthenics is bodyweight exercises that utilize your whole body to build strength, coordination, flexibility, stamina, and endurance. The main benefit of calisthenics is that no equipment is needed. You can practice calisthenics anywhere, whether it be during your run, your bedroom, or your garage. Get a yoga mat and exercise away.

You might think calisthenics consume too much time, so try practicing HIIT workouts! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise routine done in quick bursts of demanding activities. HIIT routines consist mostly of push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, or other bodyweight exercises, all compressed in eight to twelve minutes. Although this routine isn’t for the faint of heart, it provides quick and challenging training to develop your body

Final thoughts

Whether you’re looking to renovate for aesthetic improvements or you require a new kitchen because it fell apart, you’re going to experience downtime in your daily workout routine. In-home renovation, you need to dedicate a considerable chunk of your day for the slightest glimpse of improvement, and you’ll finish the day feeling exhausted. Home renovation is often tiring and time-consuming, but with proper planning and practicing the right exercises, you’re going to stay in tip-top shape with a beautiful home underway.