waste treatment tank

4 Warning Signs of a Septic Tank Problem

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Of all the things that can go wrong with your plumbing, septic tank failure is the worst one on that list. It goes without saying that septic tank failure is an extremely unpleasant experience and can lead to large expenses to fix the problem. However, septic tank disasters don’t happen overnight. Usually, you can tell if your septic tank is failing or is about to fail by looking for the following signs:

Strange smells emitting from the ground

If you start to notice unusual smells coming from the area near the septic tank and the drainfield, it’s a sign that your tank is getting full and a call to the septic tank pumpers should be in line. The smell of septic tank contents is foul (a combination of human waste, kitchen waste, and wastewater, etc.), so you won’t be able to miss it if you happen to smell it near your tank.

Getting your tank pumped immediately is imperative to prevent the drainfield from clogging. Otherwise, the clogged drainfield can cause sewage to back up into the house, causing an even bigger and nastier problem.

Slow draining

A septic tank that is getting too full can lead to the slow draining of your water fixtures. However, the slow drain is also a symptom of clogs in your pipes. How can you tell the difference? Call a plumber who can identify the source of the clog. If they find none, it could be your septic tank that’s the problem.

Sewage smell in the house

The smell of sewage is hard to miss, so when you start smelling it inside the house, act quickly. It could mean that there is a leak in your sewage line or there is a waste leak saturating the soil beneath your home. Or, it could also mean that sewage has already started to back up into your home due to a full septic tank.

Sewage odors can pose a health risk to your household. If you start to notice even the faintest smell of sewage in your home, call a septic tank company as soon as possible.

water tanks

Standing pools of water

When your septic tank has reached its full capacity, it will start to leak water above the ground where your drainfield is located. The drainfield drains water into the soil through a series of pipes. They are not, however, meant to drain solid waste. Hence, when your septic tank is full of solid waste, the material can clog the pipes of the drainfield and cause water to pool instead of draining properly.

If you see a standing pool of water near your drainfield, don’t go near it and seal off the area from others. The water likely contains human waste, which can be dangerous if it comes in contact with people and pets. A septic tank service is necessary to both unclog the pipes and drain your septic tank, as well as remove the standing pools of water that have accumulated in your yard.

Septic tank problems often lead to nasty consequences. Before you encounter this gross and potentially disastrous problem yourself, watch out for signs of an impending septic tank failure. In doing so, you can prevent it from happening early on and save a lot of money from potential repairs and clean up.

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