A swimming pool is one significant structure in your property that binds you and your family. It brings you and your loved ones close together to make memories that you can cherish forever. However, the responsibility of regular maintenance comes with ownership. To make your pool’s water crystal clear, here are some common pool maintenance mistakes that you should avoid:
Adding concentrated chlorine directly to pool water
As you know, chlorine eliminates algae, bacteria, and other impurities. Thus, you need to “shock” your pool water regularly. However, adding concentrated chlorine directly to the water has its side effects. It can make the pool’s surface pale and the lining brittle, making it prone to cracks or leaks. Instead of directly putting chlorine into your pool, you can add it to a bucket of water first. Let it dissolve before pouring the water to the pool. While doing so, wear gloves and eye protection.
Shocking the pool during daytime
Temperature is warmer during the day; thus, evaporation is higher. In addition, the sun’s radiation can affect the strength of the shock treatment. Because of that, you should never shock the pool during the day. Instead, do it in the evening for best results.
Not brushing the pool
Although pool vacuums are great in cleaning up debris, manual brushing should also be a part of your regular pool maintenance. Brush the walls and pool tiles—sides and bottom—to eliminate bacteria and germs as well as prevent algae growth and calcium buildup. Pay attention to corners and stairs because these are the areas that have poor circulation.
Ignoring water acidity and alkalinity levels
Check the water’s pH and alkalinity levels weekly. Water that is too acidic is dangerous to humans and pool equipment. It can irritate your skin and damage your pump and filter. Water that is too basic encourages algae growth. Moreover, you should monitor your calcium level monthly. A low calcium level corrodes the pool’s surface while a high level can produce scales due to the accumulation of calcium deposits. Make sure to do a calcium test every time you drain your pool, shift to saltwater, or make any changes in your pool.
Not running the filter and pump long enough
A pool’s filter eliminates impurities from the water, making it clean and safe. Not running it will result in algae growth. Make sure to run your filter at least eight hours a day to keep the water flowing and prevent stagnation. The same holds true with your pump. Not running your pump can save you on power bills, yet doing so encourages algae growth. Eliminating the algae can cost you more than what you have saved. Because of that, make sure to run your pool pump long enough to prevent such occurrence.
Neglecting broken equipment
Always check your filter, pump, and drain when you first open your pool. Make sure that they are all in good working condition. If you noticed broken parts, have them fixed immediately to keep your pool clean and free from debris. Likewise, check the ladder and diving board. If you need swimming pool repair in Salt Lake City, there are numerous professionals you may consult.
Maintaining your pool is extremely important if you want to continuously enjoy clean and pristine water. There are maintenance tasks that you should do weekly, monthly, and yearly. Make sure to follow the proper way of doing them; otherwise, any pool maintenance mistake can lead to damage and injury.