Girl, Spring Is Close, But Your Wardrobe Isn’t Ready!

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Ah yes, nothing burns our passion for fashion stronger than welcoming the changing of seasons because it’s the best opportunity to switch out into something different and give yourself a total makeover. And whether you’re launching your latest smoothie shop franchise or finally going on that road trip with your circle of friends, every woman deserves the chance to reimagine their wardrobe for Spring.

However, one alarming trend on the rise is a lot of girls being lax about their outfits and not having any of the essentials ready for this coming Spring. As a result, most of them we’ll be scrambling through online stores, having their shipments delayed, and not having anything nice to wear. So, today we’ll be going over some of the best pieces you should try on before Spring arrives.

No, Staying At Home Isn’t An Excuse To Slack!

For everyone else that believes staying at home is an excuse to put your devotion to fashion on hold, allow us to convince you otherwise. We think that far too many people have gotten into the habit of wearing the same outfits morning until night; rinse and repeat. And, while you do save on certain expenses, are you really happy with passing up on some brand new apparel?

  • Get Out Of Those Jammies: Before you try to hide, yes, we do see you wearing the same jammies for the past week now. And, while there’s no denying that they’re comfortable to sleep in, they aren’t really top-fashion material. Plus, you wouldn’t want to be caught lacking if your friends decide to go out!
  • Pamper Yourself: Stress and anxiety are two of the biggest troublemakers all throughout this pandemic, and if you’ve gotten through the worst of 2020, then allow this coming Spring to be your chance to pamper yourself. We all deserve a gift or two, and it doesn’t always have to come from friends, family, or romantic interests.

Here’s Where You Can Start

So with all that convincing out of the way, here are our top recommendations for Spring wardrobe changers. Feel free to mix and match these pieces however you like and according to your style. Just remember to have fun and be as expressive as possible. 

#1 Collection Of Jackets

Number one, it’s time to bust out those jackets because there’s no better time to wear them than now. Not only do you get a lot of versatility out of a single one, but it’s also very functional because it can get pretty chilly at certain times during Spring. Plus, layering is the name of the game, and all sorts of jackets help complete many different outfits.

  • Oversized Hoodies: If you’re looking for a more laid-back and comfortable look, then oversized hoodies are your best friend. They’re super comfortable to wear, and they double-down as great cuddle wear if you don’t plan on going out. You can also make them look sporty if you match your oversized hoodie with the right workout shorts.
  • Cropped Bomber Jackets: Nothing turns heads quicker than a cropped bomber jacket; it’s just that good at making a statement! Plus, if you’re looking to show-off and let the world know about your gains, then these jackets help highlight and accentuate the curves you’ve been training. It’s also very difficult to find a place where they don’t fit in, so it’s a pretty safe buy for the long-term.
  • Black Leather: Last but not least, black leather jackets will always have a place in our hearts. And, with a bit of curl cream and effort, you can come out of the house looking like an entirely new badass ready to take on the world! If you’re more into the rustic vibe, then you can also opt to get something more darkish-brown.

#2 Try On New Pants

Number two, while jeans and shorts are considered essentials no matter the season, we think it’s time for you to try on some new pants. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with playing it safe and going with an outfit you’re used to wearing, but where the fun in that? We recommend going for something new, especially since you have all the time to runway and model at home!

  • Flared Pants: For those looking to give off the impression of being highly-sophisticated and maybe adding a couple of faux-inches to your height, then please consider getting yourself a pair of flared pants. Plus, good quality ones are form-fitting and can help accentuate that butt of yours to look even better.
  • Pinstriped Or Plaid: Another sexy pair of pants we’ve seen people sweep under the rug are pinstriped and plaid pants. Like, look at Selena Gomez rocking them with her spring boot trend; they look incredible! Just remember to look for a good waist-to-hip ratio, so your beautiful glutes also get a spotlight.

Reinvent Your Spring Season Look

Overall, there are numerous ways for you to switch up and reinvent your spring season look. So, don’t limit yourself to what you already have and strongly consider getting a full-blown makeover. And, as a side note, sprinkle on some accessories too.