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What’s Hot: Trends in the Backyard 2022

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Trends change as years pass by. When it comes to gardening, trends have mainly diversified when everyone has gained access to newer technologies and new ways of gardening. It further changed when the world has reached an inflection point for global warming.

This year, the trend of gardening is reliant on becoming environmentally friendly. It aims to reduce overall carbon emissions while increasing savings among gardeners.


Sustainability is at the forefront of garden trends this year. It’s all about creating a self-sustaining garden and one that does not require any help from lavish products. Sustainability at its core aims to reduce your overall spending on your garden while also helping you save the environment.

A sustainable garden is a less demanding one. It’s light on the costs and doesn’t require you to burn through your wallet to keep it healthy. However, a sustainable garden demands one thing, and that thing is compost.


Composting is the first step to a sustainable garden. Synthetic nitrogen is known to produce traditional fertilizers. This is problematic because synthetic nitrogen is known to be a greenhouse gas and is being put into the atmosphere a thousand metric tons at a time. Each production of traditional fertilizer is harmful to the environment.

Moreover, fertilizers are relatively expensive, and the monthly application to your plants can cost you a lot of money. However, compost doesn’t require money once you get it going. It’s all about using what nature gives you to grow healthy and sustainable plants.

Person starting a compost pile

Compost can be pretty complicated at the start. But once you get started, it’s as easy as planting your crops. The main thing you need for composting is a trash bin. Punch a few holes into your trash bin and fill it with compostable material. There are all sorts of compostable materials in your garden and your dinner table.

There are two types of materials you’ll need, green and brown. Green materials are from fruit and veggie peels, while brown materials are twigs, dead leaves, and coffee grounds. Make sure to have four brown materials to one green material. This is so that your compost won’t smell. Also, water it once every day, or if it smells too much of earth, water it every other day.

Once the compost turns dark brown and isn’t that warm anymore, then your compost is ready to use.

Edible Garden

Food production is responsible for more than 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. That’s more than a billion metric tons of greenhouse gas being emitted into the atmosphere just because everyone needs food. However, you can drastically reduce your greenhouse gas emission by growing edible fruits and vegetables in your garden.

One latest trend that millennials are doing is growing their edible garden. All sorts of vegetables can be found in these gardens, and they’re easy to grow as well. Vegetables such as tomatoes and green sprouts will always be required for salad, making them crucial for anyone out there.

Consider your options when starting your edible garden. Start with easy-to-grow veggies such as the ones mentioned above. Then, use compost to ensure that they can thrive, and once you harvest them, make sure to reuse them as compost later on. This will reduce your overall costs from both fertilizer and produce in your household.

Smart Tech

Sustainability can also be better achieved through technology. For example, an average-sized garden is known to use about 30 to 40 gallons of water every week. Unfortunately, more than half of that is wasted due to overwatering. One way to reduce water waste is by installing a smart sprinkler irrigation system.

Smart sprinklers are known to monitor your plants’ lives and only water them when they need it. This means that they don’t end up overwatering your plants, and it reduces your overall water waste. However, the installation of a sprinkler system is not an easy task. You’ll need professional help to make it work, so make sure to hire one beforehand.

Smart systems are great for your garden because they reduce the number of hours you need to maintain your garden. A garden maintained by smart technology is known to reduce the overall expenses of the garden while being more sustainable than traditional gardens. It might be an expensive investment, but one that is crucial in keeping your garden sustainable. Moreover, it should reduce your overall costs, which means that you can get your return on investment in no time.

Sustainability is a significant trend that every gardener must follow. Reducing overall carbon emissions is safe for the environment and your wallet. You should reduce the overall costs of maintaining your garden by following these trends.

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